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S h d m k y, for carrying out the mmputatiom.

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Gabriel, Lecturer in the Depsrtmeolt of Sta%i?o%~*&rew U n i d t y, Je~aalem, for h &doe on the. %Verma, &hoof Nume, for her kind aauie~tance in carrying taon. Hopp Medical Director of the K M t h Yovel Comznumt Health Chtm for their &d permiaion to USE their ~terie. We wish e our a reciation to Prof S Kark World Health Organbation Vbi Profemor of S o c i a l E c i n e J P u b l i c Health, HE& Hebrew Univemity M e d i d -7 Jeuwalem and to Dr. I t does, however, ield ric T observational data on the sub- jects behavior patterns far in exceaa of t hy e small investment of time involved in its In order to achieve an optimal solution on the WGS a subject must have developed along 3 different criteria: flexibility in order to achieve the shift from one

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Such behavior and led to the following hypotheses aa to the dynamic and genetic roots of such behavior. Our observations with adult patients crystallid into a set of interpretations of Moreover, it does not, in our exper- ience, differentiate between organic and nons anic etiology of disturbsncea inĪdministration. This may be due to the fact that the teat as described in the GoldsteinScheerer monograph is not scaled and does not allow the quantitative evaluation or comparison of test performance. PROBLEM The Weigl-Goldstein-Scherer Color-Form Sorting Test (WGS) is little used byĬlinicians and the number of reporta on clinical or research experience with this test is extremely small. THE WEIGLGOLDSTEIN-SCHEERER COLOR-FORM SORTING TEST: CLASSIFICATION OF PERFORMANCEĭepartment of Nn+mu, Diaeecrscs, Hodoswh Hebrew University Hoapibl, P. The Kahn Test of Symbol Ammge- ment aa an aid to psychodmgnoeb. Kahn & of Symbol Arrangement: clinical manual. Kahn Teat of Symbol Arrangement: adminiition and tmnng. The percentage of concordance between blind KTSA diagnosis and final psychiatric diagnosis was only 29-30%, in marked contrast to results reported in previous studies. The KTSA independently of all clinical evaluation. SUMMARY One hundred and twenty nine general psychiatric patients were administered The KTSA may well add important information to a more extensive battery of tests, but we have been unable to corroborate its clinical use- fulness in differential diagnosis when used by itself, independently of other informa- tion. Other studies briefly reported by ) also claim high diagnostic placement of non-organic patients.Ī t any rate, whatever the reaaon for Merence in findings, it is not the in- tention d the current authors to deny totally the usefulneea of the KTSA as a clinical instrument. CROSSVALIDATION OF T E E KTSA WITH A PSYCHIATRIC POPULATION 103

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